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View Full Version : Crandon Park attempted to break in

04-23-2011, 09:34 AM
Friday April 22nd approximately 3:30 pm I came back to the parking lot at North Beach where all kiters park and my passenger side handles on both doors were busted; they tried to break in my car unsuccessfully. I suspect the guy doing it was parked next to my car and saw me coming, he jump in his car and left before I realized my handles were damaged. Please keep and eye on what is going on on this parking lot for the safe of everybody stuff.

04-23-2011, 01:15 PM
I am sorry to hear that. Kent had a break in there not too long ago as well, a successful as I recall. I am always uneasy about where I leave my car there. Can your car be opened with a Slim Jim? I wonder why they decided to destroy your handles, idiots. I wonder just how many break ins there are there a year?

Friday April 22nd approximately 3:30 pm I came back to the parking lot at North Beach where all kiters park and my passenger side handles on both doors were busted; they tried to break in my car unsuccessfully. I suspect the guy doing it was parked next to my car and saw me coming, he jump in his car and left before I realized my handles were damaged. Please keep and eye on what is going on on this parking lot for the safe of everybody stuff.

04-25-2011, 01:46 PM
No idea if my car can be opened with an Slim Jim, one thing I know is, the park rangers at Crandon spend more time policin the kiters getting closer to shore by bear cut than paying attention to other real issues.