View Full Version : STOLEN GEAR!!! (Please be on lookout)

04-14-2011, 11:56 AM
I was in St. Pete last night at Sunrise Bowling Alley (of course it is on "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd) between 7:30 and 9PM. When I went to my truck I discovered it had been burgled. To add insult to injury-they dousched it with chlorine inside and out. My entire truck interior is shot. Anyway they don't know what they took because the left some stuff. Here is what I am missing:

A BRAND F'n NEW (just got it last week and rode it once) 17M CORE Riot LW. This kite is probably the only one of its kind in Florida if not the U.S.

Best 13M Waroo-green. This is a 2007 but can be identified by a 10"x10" square patch in the middle that is yellow. There is also another smaller yellow sewn patch in the same area.

A Bravo electric two stage kite pump. Yellow with a black cover. They left the hose in the vehicle.

If anyone see's or hears anything, please call me directly. Thanks bros.

Ken 813 294-3021

04-15-2011, 09:04 AM
I was eating breakfast with CPT. Al this morning and he told me what happen. I will def keep a look out for your gear. If you need a kite to ride tomorrow let me know, I got you covered.

Better luck
- Mike

04-15-2011, 10:39 PM
I am sorry you were nailed Ken and so maliciously as well. I would be sure to directly contact what kiting shops are in the immediate area with a description of what was stolen. The guys that take this stuff often don't know about values and may take it to a shop just to get a guess about what it might sell for. Also, Craigs list seems to be a clearing house of choice for stolen gear. I would monitor the lists for the area and adjoining spots in the hope that it might show up. I tweeted your post the day you put it up to draw more attention. I hope you get your stuff back.

04-17-2011, 09:59 AM
Thank you everyone for all of your concern. I'm sure that if the kite makes an appearance, someone will recognize it. I bet someone is using it as a tarp or car cover though.

Big G
04-24-2011, 05:31 PM
I just read your post. That F'en sucks that someone would take something that doesn't belong to them. This is the one time that I hope who ever took your gear tries it out!

Hopefuly they will set the big kite up on a good 20+ day and the wrath of god takes them home.

Ken, if I see your kite and someone trying to set it up I'll be sure to loan them a harness and launch them! A-Hole deserves what'ever happens!

Big B!

04-26-2011, 03:24 PM
did you ever find your kite ??

06-19-2011, 09:56 AM
Just updating my auto theft. Someone used my old Home Depot credit card that I didn't even remember having. I have to file another police report and they may have transaction on film. Maybe they can catch the guy and retrieve my kite off his 1979 Eldorado thats on blocks in his back yard.:D