View Full Version : Reminder of Park Rules

Kiteboarding Tampa Bay
03-28-2011, 08:52 AM
I think it’s important to remind everyone that we are guests of the park and that we’re required to follow a few simple rules in order to enjoy continued access.

Here’s what they want from us:
1. Be out BEFORE dark
2. No Commercial activity within park boundaries
3. No kiting skating on the road, kite biking, or landboarding. (even with trainer kites)
4. No kiting around North Beach this time of year (birds)

These are park rules set forth by the county- they are non-negotiable.

Regarding Instruction- The officials realize the need for qualified instruction in this sport and that is the only area they let us slide on the rules. Let’s not push those limits any further, and try to work with good instructors, not against them.

These people are relying on us to self-police and handle our own issues, period.

It is my responsibility (and yours) as a kiter to say something when the above rules are not being followed.

YOUR access depends on it.

#2 on the list seems to be the one that people aren’t willing to follow at any of the south county spots. (While this post is based on Ft Desoto, some of these rules apply to ALL area launch sites, parks, Gulf Beaches, and Rest Areas on 275.) These problems will be addressed on a site by site basis- the Skyway area is D.O.T. property, and they are not nearly as forgiving as our friends at the county. We have walked a fine line for years out there.

I have tried many times over the years to address this problem privately with those businesses that aren’t playing by the rules. As those attempts have failed, I am asking for the help of the local kiters to help get these people’s priorities straight before they screw it up for everyone who enjoys kiting there.

Advertising, signs, and gear sales on the beach are risking YOUR access too- encourage these folks to STOP bending the rules for the sake of making a buck.
Happy Kiting