View Full Version : Hookipa the day after the Tsunami!

Alex A
03-21-2011, 01:04 AM
A few of us got to kite Hookipa the day after the tsunami hit when the Maui County parks were closed down do to more tidal surging.
Lifeguards would not let any windsurfers launch at the beach.
Here are a couple pics and more at http://alexaguera.com/home/waveriding-photos/




03-21-2011, 04:04 AM
Great shots Alex of you ripping off Hookipa, thanks for posting! About how big did it get before they shut the beaches down? What board were you using and how did it work out for you in the conditions? What were your winds like and what kite were you on?

I understand from a friend who lives on the coast in Sprecks that you had water level going from extreme low to extreme high "tide," at 20 min increments for about 24 hrs after the tsunami arrived. What other unusual conditions did you see off Hookipa? Glad things didn't get that bad in Hawaii with this one. Best to the folks in Japan.